One 2 One Kettlebell Training
Thursday 7th June 2018
Kettlebells have been used as a dynamic tool to develop strength and core stability for centuries. Kettlebells were used as counterweights in Russian markets during the early 18th century. The market workers started swinging the weights around for fun and quickly realised their strength and endurance began to increase.
Now kettlebells are seen in nearly every gym and fitness studio. Our Physiotherapist Alistair has been using kettlebells as a rehab tool for his patients for the last 6 years. The benefits of regular kettlebell training include the ability to combine cardiovascular exercise and strengthening in one modality. They are also cheap to purchase and you need not join a gym to benefit from the ultimate all body workout. Alistair is now offering clients one 2 one training sessions to learn basic and advanced techniques safely and effectively. Call us today on 01664564433 for more information.